12月24日,冬日暖阳下,2024年圣昌趣味运动会正式拉开帷幕,运动会以参与性、趣味性为出发点,通过多个有趣且富有挑战性的运动项目,增强团队凝聚力,丰富员工业余生活,展示了圣昌职工的蓬勃朝气。 On December 24, under the warm winter sun, the 2024 Suretron Fun Sports Games officially kicked off. The games took participation and fun as their starting point. Through a number of interesting and challenging sports events, they enhanced team cohesion, enriched employees' spare time, and demonstrated the vigor and vitality of Shengchang employees. 随着运动会的正式开始,现场的气氛瞬间被点燃,来自生产、研发、销售、品质、仓储、采购等各个部门的近400名员工纷纷投入到各个比赛项目中。 As the Games officially began, the atmosphere on site was instantly ignited, and nearly 400 employees from various departments including production, R&D, sales, quality, warehousing, and procurement all participated in various competition events. “撕名牌”比赛,是现场最刺激的项目,裁判吹哨后,参赛选手立即投入战斗,赛况激烈。参赛选手都表示比赛非常有趣,既要撕掉对方的名牌又要保护好自己和队友的名牌,非常考验反应能力和团队默契。 The "name tag tearing" competition was the most exciting event on the scene. After the referee blew the whistle, the contestants immediately went into battle and the competition was fierce. The contestants said that the competition was very interesting. They had to tear off the opponent's name tag while protecting their own and their teammates' name tags, which was a great test of their reaction ability and team tacit understanding. 乒乓球项目,是圣昌趣味运动会的王牌项目,参赛选手们各显风姿,各种技巧动作轮番上阵,每一次挥拍都是速度与力量的完美融合,每一次精准击球都是对乒乓球运动的无限热爱。 Table tennis is the trump card event of the Suretron Fun Games. The contestants showed off their talents and performed various skills and moves in turn. Every swing of the racket was a perfect combination of speed and strength, and every precise shot showed the infinite love for table tennis. Tossing pots, clamping beads, and fixed-point shooting seem simple but are actually challenging and interesting. They all test the contestants' coordination ability and control of strength. 经过一下午的激烈角逐,圣昌趣味运动会也接近了尾声。这次运动会为圣昌职工搭建了一个相互交流、增进友谊的平台,不仅培养了团队向心力,也进一步培养了职工们拼搏奋发,锐意进取的精神。相信在未来的工作中,圣昌团队一定会团结一心,共同面对更多机遇和挑战,为客户提供更优质的产品与服务。 After an afternoon of fierce competition, the Suretron Fun Games is coming to an end. This sports meeting has built a platform for Shengchang employees to communicate with each other and enhance friendship. It not only cultivates team cohesion, but also further cultivates the spirit of hard work and forge ahead among employees. I believe that in the future work, the Shengchang team will unite as one, face more opportunities and challenges together, and provide customers with better products and services. 如有需要,请在留言处留下您的联系方式,我们会在24小时之内联系您。